After attending the Parade of 首页s and mentally piecing together your ideal home; after spending countless hours on Pinterest and Google poring over new floor plans, 花岗岩与. 石英台面,环保的房子,你已经正式决定建造你的梦想之家.

Congratulations! 现在?

你的第一步不应该是走进厨房和浴室的陈列室, it should be into a financial institution to secure funding. 无论您选择Arbor金融信用合作社作为您的建设贷款合作伙伴还是与其他贷方合作, 重要的是要了解这个过程,找到一个能帮助你了解建筑贷款的来龙去脉的人.

步骤1. Get pre-approved. This allows you to establish the budget for your new home. 在Arbor Financial,这是一个快速而简单的过程,从一个电话或 电子邮件 to our mortgage loan officers who will have you complete a pre-approval application 安排一个见面的时间——无论是面对面的还是电话的,如果方便的话. 举个例子:George和Erica Dudik住在离Arbor Financial最近的分行40多英里远的地方,在他们的贷款旅程中从未去过任何一家分行.

步骤2. Select a qualified builder. If you don’t already have a builder in mind, contact the local 首页 Builders Association for a list of licensed general contractors your area. Interview several builders and contact their references. Make sure they understand your needs and wants clearly, and are flexible with their client’s changing needs. “We made a few changes along the way,Arbor Financial会员、首次住宅建筑商Erica Dudik说. “有一个愿意与我们合作的建筑商真是太好了.”

步骤3. Final approval & One-Time Close. 当你选择了你的建筑商并决定了你的房子,你就准备好结束你的贷款了! With a one-time close construction loan, 一旦施工完成,您的贷款将自动转换为永久融资. 这节省了时间,因为你不必请假去另一次旅行,也不必打电话到信用合作社签署额外的文件, 而且不需要额外的交易费用,也能帮你省钱. 在你的建筑贷款被批准后,你不应该申请任何额外的信贷.

Once your construction loan is closed, the fun begins! “作为第一次建造者,我们不知道这个过程,”埃里卡承认. “Arbor Financial has been extremely attentive, 病人, 在我们卖掉房子和过渡到建筑贷款的过程中也很有帮助. 他们的工作人员都很友好和能干,他们的服务非常出色.”

Thinking about building a home?
拨打269.544.3105 or 电子邮件 联系一个抵押贷款发起人,今天就开始对话.

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